the Unified Field Theory, the Holy Grail of Physics and
Mathematics. His theorem, GOD ALMIGHTY'S GRAND
New York, NY -- Einstein would have been proud to
learn that Nobel Prize officials have nominated for a
third time Professor Gabriel Oyibo in physics for proving
Einstein’s most famous theory (E = MC2). Professor
Oyibo, a Nigerian mathematician and physicist living
on Long Island, New York, has discovered the Grand
Unified Field Theory or the Theory of Everything (TOE).
In essence, he has taken the work of Einstein to the next
level proving the theory with sound mathematical equation.
The work provides solution to the unified force field extending
the work of Newton, Einstein and others, revising all of
science from the elementary to university school level.
Of all the scientists in the world, Professor Oyibo has
uniquely pulled together physic theories involving
gravitational, electromagnetic, strong and weak forces
as well as other forces that are currently unknown. No
one has ever been able to unequivocally solve the theory
until the present day work of Professor Oyibo. Recognizing
the significance of this work, Professor Oyibo was initially
nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2002 and 2003 and did
not win. Known worldwide in his field and the recipient of
countless awards, Professor Oyibo has been once again
nominated this year for his work.
Crowning an incredible career which has included problem
solving for NASA--where their experts at MIT and other
elite universities had deemed “impossible to solve”
--Professor Oyibo initially entered his professional career by
obtaining his PhD in Aeronautics and Mathematics from
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. There he
worked for four years on NASA/AFOSR sponsored research
and made several contributions in aircraft design,
aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and mathematics. He taught
several courses as well. Professor Oyibo’s fascinating and
most acclaimed career is highlighted with countless
achievements including:
< Introduced the concept of Affine Transformations
into the field of aeroelasticity, aeronautics, which is
used by prominent researchers and aircraft companies
around the world.
< Professor Oyibo has solved the toughest problems in
at least three disciplines, Navier-Stokes Equations
(Mathematics); Turbulence ( Aeronautics); The
Theory of Everything or the Unified Field Theory
(Mathematical Physics.) Gij, j = 0
Discovered that hydrogen is the only building block
of the entire universe , there is ONLY ONE ELEMENT
as opposed to the current, general belief that there are
118 ELEMENTS that form the basis of science
Ø Briefed United States Senate on Unified Field Theory o
n January 27, 2000 in Washington, D.C.
< Has been nominated for the Presidential Medal of Science
and the Nobel Prize awards. These nominations have been
supported by distinguished professors from prestigious
universities such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT). The Cambridge International Biographical Centre
(IBC-England) has conferred the following honors on
Professor Oyibo the International Personalty of the Year
2000-2001; 2000 Outstanding Scientist for the 21st Century;
and among one of the One Hundred Most Outstanding Citizen
s of the World. Referenced in: Who's Who in America ;Who's
Who in Science and Engineering; Who's Who in the World
< Received the Key to Miami Dade County and honored by
the Miami Dade School Board, October 2002; Honored by
the New York City Council, and the Huntington, N Y, Town
Council, for his work and discoveries .Holds the AAA Journal
worldwide publication record for 1983.
< Selected by NATO/AGAR as a contributor to their unsteady
transonic aerodynamic research.
< Consultant to half a dozen aerospace companies around the
world, the United States and the United Nations.
< Recipient of several professional and scientific awards
including the Associate Fellow Award from the American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AAA).
< Found a new holograph technique for determining
nonlinear two-dimensional unsteady and three dimensional flow,
resulting in a new analytical and wing design tool.
< Developed new group theory methods in mathematics.
The methods from the new group theory were first used to
solve the full Navier Stokes equations as well as Reynolds
Averaged equations for turbulence.
< Using the newly developed group theory methods he
generalized and proved Einstein=s theorem (theory) in an
article entitled GENERALIZED Mathematical Proof of
Einstein's Theory Using A New Group Theory which was
published in a Russian and an American journal. This proof
of Einstein's theory has been recognized by the American
Mathematical Society(AMS) in its Mathematical Reviews
(ME) journal, MR 98e83007. .
C He has discovered the Unified Field Theory or the
Theory of Everything, the theory Albert Einstein searched
for unsuccessfully most of his life, which he has published
in the book entitled, Grand Unified Theorem@ which has
been recognized by the American Mathematical Society
(AMS) and the European Mathematical Society(EMS).
In 2002 published Highlights of the Grand Unified
Theorem: Formulation of the Unified Field Theory or
the Theory of Everything.Gij, j = 0. These monographs
are found in prestigious university and other research
libraries such as Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT), Princeton, ETH, (where
Einstein obtained Ph.D.) UC Berkeley, Cornell University,
McGill University (Canada), Columbia University, Los
Alamos, Bell Labs.
Professor Oyibo has lectured widely on his discoveries
and been interviewed on radio, television and print media.
Editorial Board member "Nova Journal of Mathematics,
Game Theory and Algebra"
Professor Oyibo has been involved in research and
teaching at Polytechnic University beginning in 1986
serving as an Associate Professor of Aeronautics. He is
currently a Professor of Mathematics and Mathematical
Sciences at the OFAPPIT Institute of Technology and the
University of Bridgeport.
As historically known, Einstein summarized his theory
down to the acclaimed
E = MC .
Professor Oyibo, in solving the theory, provides his solution
in one equation where all logistics are keenly summarized
and understoodby the science world as:
Gij, j = 0.
The characteristic device for the representations of all
mathematical solutions- e.g. of Newton, Maxwell,
Einstein, et.al.
So that where is called the proper time or space.
He also Discovered among many things that hydrogen
is the only building block of the entire universe., it has
been discovered through GAGUT that the Periodic
Table of Elements has ONLY ONE ELEMENT as opposed
to the current, general belief that there are 118
ELEMENTS that form the basis of science. GAGUT,
therefore, changes all science as we know it.
Distinguished professors, such as Cambridge trained
physicist Professor Joshua C. Anyiwo praise Professor
Oyibo’s work as the “cleanest, most carefully articulated,
most comprehensive and authentic presentation of a
unifying theory of physics that I have ever encountered;
and I have encountered quite a few of such works.”
Professor George Handelman, former head of the
Mathematics Department at Brown University and the
Amos Eaton Professor of Mathematics ranks Professor
Oyibo “among those who have made significant
contributions to the field, such as Lord Rayleigh, Werner
Heisenberg, Sir Geoffery Taylor and Theodore von Karman.”
Additionally, Professor Edith Luchins, mathematics
professor and an aide to Albert Einstein wrote, “The
most exciting contribution to me, personally, is Professor
Oyibo’s formulation of Einstein’s Unified Field Theory...
I am thrilled that Gabriel Oyibo was the first to complete
the task that intrigued and challenged Einstein and many
other luminaries in science. Moreover he did so in a
mathematically elegant manner. Professor Oyibo’s
contributions are extremely important, both theoretically
and practically. They place him in the ranks of world class
scientists. He is eminently qualified for the Nobel Prize in
The GAGUT discovery has been published in a reputable
mathematics journal that has readership in the most
prestigious universities. The GAGUT discovery is
recognized by the American and European Mathematical
Societies as well as the American Institute of Physics.
The GAGUT discovery has also been recognized by
over 2,000 students, staff and professors from the
following schools: Harvard University (120); 2. Columbia
University (300); 3. MIT( 296); 4. SUNY Stony Brook
(1, 070 ); 5. RPI ( 300); 6. NYU ( 300). “We the students
and faculty, wish to express our desire to have Professor
G.A. Oyibo, Professor of Mathematics and Nobel Prize
nominee, give a lecture at our campus about the discovery
of the Theory of Everything ( GAGUT- for which he has
been nominated for the Nobel Prize.) We feel that a lecture
and discussion about the scientific and social implications of
this theory would be beneficial to our school by broadening
our academic and social awareness.”
Courtesy John Glover
Phone 631-242-3069
Quote of the post
"A prophet is not honored in his own home" - Jesus Christ
i used to be addicted to math and then i discoverd programming but i like this
i mean i didn't know we had naija ppl. in the field of mathematics who have achieved excellence
thanks for reading my blog too. you don't know how good have mademe feel.
I am dizzy with reading. I'm very interested in hydrogen being the building block for everything. I didn't know that. Very interesting...
I have recently become interested in Prof. Oyibo's work, however, I am a bit puzzeled at the claim that he has been nominated for a Nobel prize. Specifically because list of nominees are sealed and are not released to the public for 50 years. While I am in the process of understanding his work and theroem, I have to admit that making such claims does not lend credit or prestige to his accomplishments. I am open-minded and willing to learn from what he has discovered, but many people criticize him due to such claims. If he is brilliant, his work will speak for itself. Many of our greatest thinkers were considered crazy before their theory was ever taken seriously.
Well said , anon ! Too many have been to quick to acclaim or shout him down. Truth will out in the end. I just have one question to ask : why is Oyibo absent from all popular works on modern physics?
I am grateful that a man like this is coming out of Nigeria. But for those who care to see this, we have millions of children in Nigeria with such, if not better capabilities. The influence of the west on our so-call leaders is responsible for all the ugly names Nigeria is being called. Nonetheless, we will get there somehow. Keep on keeping on, our dear Prof. Oyibo, we are by you.
There are so many reasons not to believe any of Dr. Oyibo's claims, so many of them seem too "419ish". I am currently a Physics student on full scholarship in the U.S, I used to admire Dr. Oyibo's works from afar until I made some necessary research
--How come he still has only a few publications?
--How come his OFAPPIT Institute of Technology does not have an address?
--How come he doesn't even have a website?
--How come no online journal has ever written of him? why only blogs?
--How come he doesn't even have a degree in Physics?not even a minor?
--The Unified field theory has nothing to do with the elements or hydrogen, Real physicists know there are smaller particles than elements c'mon!!!!!!!
--How come he has been nominated for the nobel prize three times(how did he know that),didn't win and states Einstein should be proud of that...proud of what? Einstein would turn in his grave if someone that discovers the GUT is not honored.
--how come Dr Oyibo's book is not even in stock on Amazon, they don't even have a picture of the book.
--And please Dr. Oyibo, if u read this do something about your yahoo geocities blog. If u really are credible, which i think might still be a remote possibility,then please do some good image marketing bcos you are sending the wrong signals.
Your concerns are well taken but unfortunately, they are slightly misguided. In case you don't realize it yet, there are a lot of good information and material out there that reamain unknwown to the general public due to a lack of sponsors, ideological barriers, and adverse impact in the powers that control our world.
A good example of this is the health field where the big pharmaceutical industry has no serious intention to see crucial deseases being genuinely cured because that would translate in huges profit losses!
Now let say that professor Oyibo's extraordinary findings about Hydrogen as the building block of our Universe, and from it, we can produce an automobile that runs on water (H2O), the cheapest and most abondant element on our planet, do you think that the almighty OIL industry will sit back and let it happen? No! Not a chance. There is no financial incentive whatsover for the them to support or sponsor this type of research, and more improtantly, they will try to discredit it, make conscious effort to keep it out of the News By BRIBING major news agencies, and bring forward all kinds fake experts (read paid agents) to ridicule and set aside the ideas! Wake up! This is the World we are living into!
All those people that are trying to redicule Dr. G. Oyibo are in the "State of Denial" now. Dr. Oyibo's discovery has shock many out there because he has now been giving insight in how this really are. And Im not talking about the fact that his mathematics and physics are more than good, but about the fact that black people are superior to "any other", which those "any other" have been denying for centuries. Comparying blacks to animals and al other minors in the world we live in today. As we all see and especially me I can see that the truth is comming out. Black has always been powerful and attractive to others. We try to imitate them. We try to act like them. We take their styles, and habbits. The same time we deny them and the things we take from them we make it our own. atleast that is what we try to make others believe.
We I look at what is going on here is that we don't want to here or see that we learn from the Black people. And we can't give up now to say that we are less superior to the blackies, because we would loose all we have build up. It might cause chaos if we give in, so instead of giving a black a status of superiority will make us look like fools for the simple fact that we have been living and teaching lies for centuries.
Any time a black achieve something or discover something we will deny it or hide it and come up with it after a while when people seems to forget it and claim that we have dicovered it. Put our stemp on it and it is ours. Now i am going to give some insight on how we manage to keep the blacks down. I am telling this since i believe that we can't hold it up any longer, we can't keep playing this games (divide and concur; confuse and conctrol).
In the past many blacks have tried to come out with things that may reveal the truth. However we never gave them the chance to. If we saw that the truth couldnt be stopped from comming out we eliminate.
What is lacking black researchers and other black in general to exceed is financials, which is a brilliant tool implemented and controlled by non blacks to disable blacks to 'join' the game and play the same.
A simple example. Try to get a loan as a black and see what happend before you can get it.
I have a good friend (my best friend to be honest) a black african afro guy, with whom i grew up and we still hangin out together. I have studied their culture and the way they live. This is what have made me see that they are superior to us as non blacks.
Now that this Dr. Oyibo has come out with his GAGUT theory it clarifies all the things, which is a shock for us. We can't and don't believe a black would solve this.
There are hundreds of if not thousands of us non blacks out there trying to solve this issue, which became Dr. Einsteins death, and now in all the effort we have put is solving it which we are not able to solve, we that are so brilliant and superior to the blacks can't solve it. And now we have to accept that in all crazyness a black have to dicover this solution?? Hell no we we will not accept, so you blacks out there i apologize for all my people, I have accepted the fact that blacks are superior and that you are the chosen one. Sinds i don't wanna go to hell, i ask of all of you out there that we have been negating (denying)to forgive me and my short sightest brothers and sisters (as the blacks would say).
I hope many will join me to support and promote the work of my black brother Oyibo to launch his work and that it gets recognize by all people around the globe.
What he has proven can be understood by even a baby. Simple clear truth.
So black people out there "don't let us fool you"
A non black that loves peace and weed :)
whats poping man. you seem to draw a lot of interest.
I recently informed the British Library about the scientific principle responsible for gravity with the intention of forwarding a manuscript that I am currently compiling on the principle behind gravity and gravitation, which confirms the reality of a unified field theory. Subsequently, I stumbled on your blog and I found the things you wrote very interesting. I also agree with you that hydrogen was the building atom of the Universe, which is the first evidence of physical existence through an emission nebula that expanded in a proton cycle reaction, which formed the building block of the stars.
I am glad you are a Nigerian. If you are interested in having a chat, you can reach me on follydon@gmail.com . The theory I am compiling also establishes the principle behind universal space-time motion and mystery behind ageing.This theory reduces everything in physical existence to electromagnetism, which is the final irreducible.
I recently informed the British Library about the scientific principle responsible for gravity with the intention of forwarding a manuscript that I am currently compiling on the principle behind gravity and gravitation, which confirms the reality of a unified field theory.
Subsequently, I stumbled on your blog and I found the things you wrote very interesting. I also agree with you that hydrogen was the building atom of the Universe, which is the first evidence of physical existence through an emission nebula that expanded in a proton cycle reaction, which formed the building block of the stars.
I am glad you are a Nigerian. If you are interested in having a chat, you can reach me on follydon@gmail.com . The theory I am compiling also establishes the principle behind universal space-time motion and mystery behind ageing. This theory reduces everything in physical existence to electromagnetism, which is the final irreducible. Surprisingly, these discoveries were inspired by comparing some parallels between scriptural mysteries and science.
I am glad that a Nigerian is indirectly ruling the world. I think Obama (world-ruler) is in no way his mate(am not trying to be political but academical), as in ruling the world.
If only this man is well popularized, that his work will be known. one day the table will turn and the people of Nigeria will rise to fight for him.
what do you think about bringing him down to Nigerian Institutions to be lecturing what he's lecturing the people in the other side of the world?
samuel, lagos-nigeria
I am glad that a Nigerian is indirectly ruling the world. I think Obama (world-ruler) is in no way his mate(am not trying to be political but academical), as in ruling the world.
If only this man is well popularized, that his work will be known. one day the table will turn and the people of Nigeria will rise to fight for him.
what do you think about bringing him down to Nigerian Institutions to be lecturing what he's lecturing the people in the other side of the world?
samuel, lagos-nigeria
I am glad that a Nigerian is indirectly ruling the world. I think Obama (world-ruler) is in no way his mate(am not trying to be political but academical), as in ruling the world.
If only this man is well popularized, that his work will be known. one day the table will turn and the people of Nigeria will rise to fight for him.
what do you think about bringing him down to Nigerian Institutions to be lecturing what he's lecturing the people in the other side of the world?
samuel, lagos-nigeria
I am glad that a Nigerian is indirectly ruling the world. I think Obama (world-ruler) is in no way his mate(am not trying to be political but academical), as in ruling the world.
If only this man is well popularized, that his work will be known. one day the table will turn and the people of Nigeria will rise to fight for him.
what do you think about bringing him down to Nigerian Institutions to be lecturing what he's lecturing the people in the other side of the world?
samuel, lagos-nigeria
I'm not being bias, anyone can discover things, but my philosophy is that determination is a key to solve problems. Look at the lifes of other scientist that has put almost all their life in making a discovery. Yet they come out with result. Prof. Oyibo deserves it.
I'm not being bias, anyone can discover things, but my philosophy is that determination is a key to solve problems. Look at the lifes of other scientist that has put almost all their life in making a discovery. Yet they come out with result. Prof. Oyibo deserves it.
I'm not being bias, anyone can discover things, but my philosophy is that determination is a key to solve problems. Look at the lifes of other scientist that has put almost all their life in making a discovery. Yet they come out with result. Prof. Oyibo deserves it.
i am a physics student at the masters degree level. i am not fully enlightened about this prof. oyibo's achievement. i want to read his biography, access his GAGUT works, his publications and texts and even know the basis of his proof.
if all these I have read here are his achievements. then no power in this universe has the right to disqualify him the nobel prize. even the white men who are promoting him.
i believe that prof. Oyibo still has series of questions to answer to the physics world; especially among we researchers. he seams to be promoted by politicians. i believe most physics researchers would have thesame view with me. please i should be contacted through emperordc2003@yahoo.com chibuike
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